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How To Write A Summary For A Doctoral Thesis: Tips And Examples

As you are ready to start working on your doctoral thesis, the foremost component of your paper is obviously the summary. It is an essential introduction or a precise introductory statement that stays right at the beginning of the work. So, you want to create a very powerful first impression of your work among readers? Then, a well-written summary is the best component.

Objectives of the summary:

Before writing the summary, you must figure out its objectives. When you know what purpose the summary is intended to serve, it becomes easier for you to make it an effective part.

  • The summary provides your target readers with a concise and precise synopsis of what you are going to state out of your research.
  • The summary offers a compelling and substantial reason for readers to continue to read the rest of the thesis.

Hooking your readers:

This is what you should start with.

  • The very first sentence of the summary should include a captivating or convincing reason why your reader can keep reading.
  • The best way to accomplish this is by indicating a research gap or problem in the current research or its methodology that you promise to put correctly in your study.
  • You need to be wary of using your style of writing. Do not use gimmicky or flowery phrasing in your introductory sentence because it is still possible to hook the reader with a straightforward and simple statement.

Restating your statement:

Now, you will move onto the second sentence.

  • The second summary sentence needs to recap your thesis statement.
  • Using precise language when you reiterate the thesis is always effective.
  • You have to assume that your readers are already familiar with the field of your study, and they will follow what you provide them as your premise.

Summarizing research methodology and conclusions:

This is the last part of your summary. This part may contain anywhere from two sentences to five or six sentences.

  • Your research methods and objectives should be stated vividly but in a precise manner.
  • Do not forget to include the conclusion or significant contributions or outcomes the thesis has to offer to the field of your study.
  • It is recommended that you limit technical jargon.
  • Although it is allowed to cite influential sources, you must not quote them in the summary section.

Final thoughts:

Your summary should contain somewhere from 100 to 300 words. Also, you should avoid abbreviations which are not explained yet. You can include some relevant keywords, so online accessibility of your doctoral thesis increases.


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